Anonymous wellbeing survey is launched
Diabetes Specialist Trainee Registrars are being urged to complete an anonymous, independent workplace wellbeing survey.
The first survey of its kind took place in 2018 to identify levels of burnout in diabetes and endocrinology specialist registrars throughout England, Scotland and Wales.
It revealed that nearly 60% of respondents were suffering from burnout, nearly half scored high when it came to emotional exhaustion and around a quarter felt a lack of personal accomplishment.
At the time the commonest self-reported stress triggers were general internal medicine workload, lack of speciality training and lack of audit, research or continuing professional development time.
The researchers concluded that burnout syndrome was frequent among the participating Diabetes Specialist Registrars and urgent steps needed to be taken to address the problem nationally.
They are now carrying out a second survey to help identify current concerns, the status of work-related wellbeing and any changes that have happened since 2018.
The survey takes between 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
To take part in the 2022 survey, click here
To read the results of the 2018 survey, click here
For further information about the survey, email Adnan Agha on