Continuous glucose monitor is helping thousands with type 1 diabetes
More than 3,000 people are now using the GlucoRx Aidex rt-CGM to better manage their type 1 diabetes.
The monitor is worn on the arm and sends information to a mobile app which allows people with type 1 diabetes to keep track of their glucose levels without the need for either a scan or a finger prick test.
The monitor has been developed by GlucoRx the UK’s largest supplier of innovative, cost-effective management solutions for people with diabetes, which was the first company to roll out free continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to NHS patients with type 1 diabetes with 14 days use.
The GlucoRx AiDEX CGM has been available on the Drug tariff since April 1, 2022.
Users of the monitor include Olivier Picard, Managing Director of Newdays Pharmacy in Reading, who said: “It’s accurate, comfortable to wear and gives you low alerts which are particularly useful at night.
“Since I started using it, I actually use less insulin as control of my diabetes is so much better – I don’t have to prick my fingers. It’s changed my life.”
Following the latest NICE guidelines, every person living with the condition is now eligible for a CGM – a wearable sensor allowing people to check their glucose levels with a one-second scan.
Normally more expensive than their flash monitor counterparts – which record glucose levels by scanning a sensor – since the NHS agreed on a new cost-effective deal with manufacturers GlucoRX, they have been available for people on prescription at a more cost-effective price.
Chris Chapman, a Chief Operating Officer of GlucoRx, said: “We are delighted that our life-changing CGM devices are having such a positive effect on the lives of those with type 1 diabetes.
“We are proud to be the creators of one of the first CGMs to be available on prescription for every NHS patient with type 1 diabetes.
“It is an honour to work with the NHS on such a big project which will improve the quality of life for thousands of people with the condition.”
To date, more than 3,000 GlucoRx CGMs have been administered to NHS and private patients, with users branding the GlucoRx AiDEX CGM as “super easy to use” and “extremely accurate”.
Research presented at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2022 revealed that flash monitoring not only helps to improve blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes, but also has a positive effect on their quality of life.
According to the NHS, tools like continuous glucose monitoring, which help people better manage their condition and reduce associated illness and hospitalisations, will reduce cost in the long run.
GlucoRx Limited is the NHS’ largest supplier of quality diabetic products. Founded in 2010, the company is committed to improving the lives of people with diabetes.
In addition, it offers significant savings on blood glucose meters and diabetes management solutions without compromising on quality and patient care.
In the past 10 years, GlucoRx has saved the NHS around £350 million by reaching out to Clinical Commissioning Groups across the UK.
For more information on the GlucoRx AiDEX CGM or to access the monitor via the GlucoRx website, click here.