DPC Founder ‘grateful and emotional’ at receiving COVID-19 vaccine
“Grateful and emotional” is how DPC Founder Maggie Meer describes her feelings after getting her COVID-19 vaccine.
Known by many for her positive outlook on life and her cheery smile, Maggie admits that coronavirus had even started to get to her.
“At first I didn’t mind lockdown as I could spend more time at home with my family and the dogs. But it’s pretty much been a year of staying home now, and I’d had enough,” she says.
Having type 2 diabetes and other health conditions meant Maggie has had to spend a large amount of time at home shielding, which for such a social person hit her hard.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and being around them, but I’m a people person and I thrive off seeing humans so it’s taken its toll being home all the time.
“Last year, everything looked so bleak. Life had lost its sparkle for me. But, when the glorious news was announced that a vaccine had been sought, I felt like my insides had been powered with a new-found energy. Finally, we had some light at the end of the tunnel,” she laughs.
Since then, the vaccine roll out programme has moved swiftly and Maggie was invited for her inoculation in February.
“Honestly, I couldn’t get my sleeve rolled up fast enough,” she says. “As far as I’m concerned this vaccine is the entry point back to our old lives and restoring some sort of normality again. As I felt the needle go in I felt so utterly grateful that we have such dedicated clinical researchers who are committed to combating COVID-19, and I also felt an overwhelming wave of emotion because finally, after all this time, this nightmare could be coming to an end.
“I have got complete faith in the clinical research that has been carried out to ensure the safety and efficiency of these vaccines. I just cannot wait for the whole nation to have been inoculated so once again we may be able to hug the people we love.”
With vaccine figures climbing on a daily basis and the age brackets being invited getting younger and younger, Maggie says this indicates positive news for DPC2021.
“Obviously, we had to go virtual last year. We had no choice with infection rates being so high. But, at the moment, I’m proud to say we’re planning a physical event at Olympia this year. Of course, we remain vigilant and won’t be doing anything unless it’s absolutely safe and falls within Government guidelines, but at the moment things are looking pretty good for November.
“I’m keeping everything crossed, but it really would be amazing to see all the wonderful healthcare professionals from the world of diabetes who come to DPC, in one place together again. Never mind clapping for them, I’ll be buying them all drinks to say how much we appreciate them,” she laughs.