DPC praised for combining ‘research and remission’
A high-profile, low-carb advocate has praised DPC for bringing together ‘research and remission’.
Pioneering Southport GP, Dr David Unwin will sit on the Steering Group for DPC2020 to help us shape this year’s show.
His low-carb approach, together with Professor Roy Taylor’s research, has helped to change perceptions that type 2 diabetes was a chronic, irreversible condition.
He said: “Now I have seen how much people at risk of, or who have type 2 diabetes can change their lives it has totally changed my view of medicine. I’m pleased to see that DPC don’t shy away from including innovative approaches that have been introduced to help people better manage their type 2 diabetes.
“DPC is brilliant because people come wanting a take home message they can use in their own clinics and, on the whole, this conference delivers that, rather than a more academic stance. It’s a pragmatic, clinician-based, friendly event that’s free.
“Unlike many other diabetes conferences, DPC provides a programme covering a wide spectrum of diabetes-related subjects. It is not afraid to host contentious subjects and combine the latest diabetes research with the relatively new concept that it is possible to reverse a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.”
Recently Dr Unwin was named the ninth most influential general practitioner in the UK by GP magazine Pulse and he has also written several peer-reviewed papers to strengthen the science behind low-carb diets.
In 2017/18, Dr Unwin’s practice saved £57,000 on drugs for type 2 diabetes, hypertension and other conditions by offering people a dietary alternative to medications.
He said: “I spent 25 years nagging my poor patients about cholesterol in their diet and for whatever reason the results were very disappointing for all concerned. I began to lose faith in my patients’ ability to change behaviour.
“In fact, I suspect it was something about my advice, because now I concentrate on helping them radically cut back on all sources of sugar, while encouraging them to eat a diet rich in green vegetables. I have more than 100 patients with weight loss averaging 8.5Kg. The facts speak for themselves.”