JDRF UK at DPC 2023
JDRF is the leading global charity funding type 1 diabetes research. We understand the daily challenges that life with type 1 brings, which is why we’re also committed to providing information, support and community for everyone living with the condition.
We focus on three things:
· We invest in world-class research to find a cure faster and to improve treatments and prevention until that day arrives.
· We campaign for better treatments, including providing access to type 1 technology for everyone who wants to use it.
· We provide information and support and connect people living with type 1 diabetes.
We provide free resources, information and community events to help your patients living with type 1 to manage their condition well.
For example, KIDSAC helps parents and their children to deal with their type 1 diagnosis. Along with information leaflets, KIDSAC also contains Rufus the bear who lives with type 1 and has felt patches to help children practice injection technique and finger pricks.
If an adult has just been newly diagnosed with type 1, we offer a handy toolkit to give them the information they need to manage their condition.
Other resources include a free pack and online learning module for schools to support young people with type 1 and leaflets to help explain the condition to friends and family.
Whether someone has been newly diagnosed or lived with type 1 for years, we provide information and support to help manage this relentless condition and connect with others.
To view and order our resources and find out more about the free events we organise in the community, please visit our website: https://jdrf.org.uk/for-professionals/healthcare-professionals