Maggie’s message during Diabetes Week
“The pandemic has frightened all of us, but with recent figures suggesting diabetes has been linked to a third of COVID-19 deaths in England from 1 March to 11 May, those with either type 1 or type 2 are understandably even more scared.
“We now not only have to cope with the setbacks our condition can sometimes inflict on us and the daily routines and unexpected turns we are regularly faced with, we are also now having to make even more health-related decisions on a daily basis to keep ourselves safe.
“Is it ok for us to go food shopping? Should we be shielding, even though official guidance says that is not necessary? For people who cannot work from home and do not have understanding employers, is diabetes a significant enough condition for them to refuse to carry on with their job? Then there are the parents of children who have type 1 diabetes and have had to make the truly hard decision about whether it is safe to let their kids return to school.
“I feel it’s crucial, now, more than ever, that healthcare professionals and allied professionals come together and recognise that there’s so much more to having diabetes than trying to keep it under control.
“Many of us with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes are just trying to make it through the day as safely as possible, negotiating the restrictions COVID-19 has placed on our lives, while also trying to maintain and control a chronic health condition.
“I’m calling on all those who work within the diabetes community, who have no doubt continued to work tirelessly throughout the pandemic, who may be extremely tired and fed up and wanting to see their families, to remember that people with diabetes are crying out for reassurance during this trying time.
“I feel this Diabetes Week is even more important than most, as we need to use these seven days to remind healthcare professionals and health services that people with diabetes are confused and anxious about their health and future. But, I know that the commitment and dedication that our doctors and nurses have already shown, will help get us through this unnerving period of time.”