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Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 November 2023, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

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We are unfortunately unable to allow patients to attend Diabetes Professional Care

If you would like more information on general practice or primary care, please refer to the NHS website.

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Dr David Unwin

Dr David Unwin

RCGP Clinical expert in diabetes, Norwood Surgery
Dr David Unwin is a UK Royal College of General Practitioners expert clinical advisor on diabetes. A GP in Southport near Liverpool, he has helped care for a practice of 9700 people since 1986. To date 132 of his patients with T2 diabetes have achieved drug-free remission. This gives a remission rate of 50% at 30 months duration of those choosing a lower carb diet. One of the best results for any clinic in the world. He has 20 published papers and has been featured on TV, radio, The Times, The Observer and the New Scientist Magazine.


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