Nadia Malik
Practice Pharmacist,
Queens Park Medical Centre
Nadia worked in community pharmacy for 15 years before moving to primary care to work for North Stockton PCN. Nadia is a dedicated pharmacist determined to address and tackle health inequalities and cultural inequity to improve health outcomes by leading the implementation of a PCN CVRM clinic facilitating cohesive working between primary and secondary care and delivering specialist care closer to home. Nadia is motivated to innovate, initiate, and support best practice and has been instrumental in developing practical and evidence-based guidance. In addition she has co-founded the TeesValley Diabetes Interest Group which aims to upskill and educate local healthcare professionals whilst providing a much-needed support network. Nadia has presented at national conferences such as Clinical Pharmacy Congress, DUK and delivered a Keynote session at DPC. She has recently joined the UKCPA Diabetes and Endocrinology Committee and is a faculty member of CVRMUK.